In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
My music video uses the forms and conventions of real pop punk genre music videos, and this is because i want my music video to be recognisable by genre, and to get this right i analysed real media products of the pop punk genre as research for my own music video. When doing research and analysing my chosen product i found that most pop punk music videos featured humour and a 'having a good time' kind of attitude and i used this convention in my own music video to match the genre making it recognisable with support from the song blink 182 - first date which is also a pop punk song. When researching existing pop punk music videos i looked at the type of people that are featured in the videos, and the majority were stereotypically 'alternative' so in my music video i followed this convention and used 'alternative' looking characters to starr in my own music video so that my music video followed the conventions of the pop punk genre.

When researching pop punk music videos i found that humour and comedy is included in the majority of pop punk music videos, and i have used this convention in my own music video by making my cast 'act daft' and pull quirky faces to make the video less serious which the majority of the pop punk music videos are meaning that i have developed this convention in my own music video.

I took inspiration from the original first dates song by blink 182 where they have used silly humour in the first dates music video and i developed this idea and convention in my own music video by adding subtle humour in my own music video.
When creating my ancillary product i researched existing products and instead of conforming to all the conventions i developed on them and made them my own giving them its own individuality. I kept my ancillary products simple rather then giving them a 'laid back' look which most of the pop punk genred magazine adverts and cd packs looked like. Although as well as going against the conventions of the magazine adverts and cd packs i researched i did stick to the most important conventions which is the typical layout of magazine adverts and cd packs, i used the conventions such as the text for example; "out now" the band names and the bands name. For the cd pack i stuck to the convention of pop punk cd cover by including an advisory label which i found that the majority of pop punk cd covers to include when doing my research. When doing my research i also found that cd covers and some magazine adverts include the record labels name and i have also used this convention in my own ancillary products to make my products look more professional. For the magazine cover of the ancillary text i have used the colours red. black and white which created a house style for my ancillary texts, also to add to the houses style i have used the same font of text on both my magazine advertisement and my digi pack.
Overall when doing my research and planning for my media products it clearly shows that i have used the majority of the conventions which are found with the pop punk genre as well as developing on these forms and conventions to my media products my own and a original.
When i was doing my research on my ancillary texts i found that they was a convention of magazine adverts using a the album cover on the magazine advert also and therefore i used this convention on my own ancillary texts, so that the album cover is recognisable to my target audience through the magazine advert. I also found that on all magazine adverts advertising an album or single including these two (blink and issues) have a release date for when the album is coming out and i have also used this convention in my own work, so that my target audience know exactly when my single is going to be released to by.

When i researched existing CD covers i found that most pop punk cd covers and related covers of this genre feature a parental advisory label on the front so i have gone and also followed this convention on my own product, i also used the convention of which all cd covers have which is a scan label so that the cd can be bought in shops by the consumer, so i have followed this convention on my own products.

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