How did you use media technologies in the construction and research planning and evaluation stages?
When working on all aspects of my media studies coursework i used the mac computers to use different products to produce my media products (ancillary text and music video) To create my music video i used the imovie programme on the mac computers to create my music video. Using imovie allowed me to take the clips i filmed on camera and edit them to create a music video, using imovie let me edit, add transitions and add the audio clip to the video to create a conventional music video, it also allowed me to cut clips and place them at suitable times of the songs with ease. imovie helped me construct my music video. by using imovie it allowed me to cut some of my clips that i had filmed into different sections of the video so that the narrative could be spread out inbetween the performance videos, it also allowed me to add completely black 'images' which made my music video look like it was "clapping" to the beat which made the different clips appear in time with the beat. It also allowed me to add effects to my clips for example it allowed me to enhance the brightness and colours on my clips as well as speeding the clips up and down. I also found that the 'flip' tool on imovie was a useful featured as it allowed me to rewind my clips so that they played backwards in my music video so that it looks like my music video is rewinding back in time which is the effect i wanted to do with my music video as i wanted to give the impression of the night "lasting forever and ever and ever" which is the lyric at the point where the flip reverse tool has been used. This programme was well suited for creating a music video as i was able to take the sound from the clips i had shot on my camera and mute it so that it could not be heard, and i did this and added the audio from "blink 182 - first date" on to the videos so that my video is a conventional video and fits the forms.When i had finished my full music video and putting it together it allowed me to finalize the video so that it was able to convert into a file which allows me to upload it straight on to Youtube. I found imovie a very simple and easy way to edit and create my music video and it suited me well.Photoshop

When creating my ancillary text i used the media technology 'Adobe Photoshop CS5' which allowed me to place images and texts as well as editing images for me magazine poster and my digi pack (Cd pack) with adobe i could create layers on top of layers to create the whole look i want for my ancillary texts, it also offered a variety of fonts which allowed me to use a unique font for my bands name which i continued in both of my ancillary texts to create continuity and a house style. Photoshop allowed me to pick from a range of fonts and i picked 2 fonts from all the options which i included onto my digipak. A big feature on photoshop which i used was the shape tool which allowed me to create block shapes of red onto my ancillary texts which is a tool and colour i used on both my digi pack and my magazine advertisment. I downloaded the digi pack template from the internet (web 2.0) and placed it onto the photoshop programme so that i had a template and base to work with and i set this as a background layer so that i could place of images on layers above this, making it easier for me to create my digi pack. For both my digi pack and magazine advert i found the duplicating layers tool a big help and very useful as it allowed me to copy layers and place it onto another photo product, for example the text layer on my digipack i could then duplicate this layer on to my magazine advert so that the colour, text, and angle was the same on both products meaning that i could have continuity on both of my texts. When i had finished my photoshop products, photoshop allows you to convert the images into a JPEG file so that it can then be uploaded on the my blog.
Web 2.0
Web 2.0 is massive and allowed me to search almost anything and everything for my planning and research as well as uploading my final products.
Google: is a search engine which i used to search for everything (planning and research ect) google and google chrome is also the website which allowed me to create my blogger account. When doing planning and research google allowed me to search and look at existing products for example it allowed me to look at the typical stereotype of a pop punk band so that i could feature it on my own products. I searched for existing products on google to help me with my ancillary texts as well as looking at hard copies myself.
When planning my music video i used the website which allows audiences to watch all types of videos, and by using you tube i watched a variety of pop punk genre music videos which allowed me to recognise the conventions of the genre pop punk so that i could include these conventions in my own music video so that my genre is recognisable to my target audience. I also used this media technology you tube to upload my own music video so that it can be uploaded on to my blog and seen by my audience so that i could recieve feedback from my peers as well as uploading my complete music video so that it could also be featured on my blog via you tube.
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