Wednesday, 18 December 2013



Reception Theory - Stewart Hall 1980

This theory is an active audience theory and sees the audience as being actively engaged in the interpretation of media texts rather than passive consumers. Individuals receive and interpretate texts in different ways. This theory demonstrates that even though one message is sent out that not only one is made of the text and all interpretations are all different.

They are 3 types of audience: Dominant, Negotiated and Opposition. There are also number of factors that may effect whether an individual takes dominant, negotiated and opposition such as life experience, mood at the time of exposure, age, gender, beliefs or culture etc.

This will applies to my video because every individual will interpretate my music video differently and each my receive a different message from it.

Uses and Gratifications Model - Bulmer and Katz 1974

The uses and gratification model represents a change in thinking as researchers began to describe the effects of the media from the point of the audience. Bulmer and Katz argued that the audience needs to have a social and psychological origins which generate certain expectations about the mass media. Leading to different patterns of media exposure which results in both gratification needs.The idea behind the uses and gratification model is that people are motivated by a desire to fulfill or gratify their certain needs.
They may use this for:

Personal identity - Personal identity explain how being a subject of the media allows us to reaffirm our identity and the positioning of our selves within society.
Personal Relationships - We can form relationships with the media and how we can also use the media to form a relationship with other individuals and many people do use the media to form a companionship.

People may use my music video to form a relationship or companionship with someone else as they may want what is on the narrative of my music video. The song i have used for music video is also called 'First Date' which some individuals may want and therefore use this to get a 'date'.

The Selective Filter Model - Joseph Klapper 

Klapper states that the media can only be effective or have an impact on an audience if it undertakes 3 stages: exposure, perception and retention.

Stage one - Selective Exposure - Audience has a choice to engage with the media and what types of media they are exposed to. The audience must choose to view, listen or read the content of specific media which the audience choose upon interest.

Stage two - Selective Perception- The audience can choose whether they wish to accept the message being conveyed. The audience may not accept the message: some people may take notice of some media content.

Stage 3- Retention - Audience have to the remember the message in order for it to have an effect on them. The message then has to stick in that persons mind who have accessed the content.

If the audience choose to watch and accept my music video it will then be successful, but some audiences may choose not to watch it or may watch it and not accept it as it is not upon their interest. Hopefully this will be successful to my target audience as it meets their interests.

Friday, 13 December 2013

Cinematography and Editing Techniques.

The cinematography and editing techniques i want to use need to make my music video stand out and look alternative.

For the cinematography i want to use close up shots in quite a few of my shots which require the audience to see emotion and facial expressions when it comes to understanding the narrative of my music video so that they can see and understand the emotion of the character. This cinematography on the faces will enable this along with the misenscene of the shot.

Long shots will also be required in my music video for the shots which require the audience to see the whole object or character in the shot. A long or establishing shot will be needed in my music video for the shot which is of the starry sky which is shot 18 as this shot requires lots of the night sky to be shown. When editing this shot i may need to place an edit on it so that it can be seen more clearly as it will be dark outside therefore may not been seen.

For shot 3 i will use a long shot and then maybe cut to a mid shot for the car as i feel this effect would look and work well on my music video. For shot 8 i will use a mid close up shot of the two hands holding. I am using this cinematography as i want the camera and audience to focus on the two hands holding as it is the man thing i am wanting to catch in this shot therefore the camera must focus on this.

Most of the edits that will need to be on my shots for the music video will need to brighten the shot so an edit which will bring out and make the colour stand out will need to be used. As a bright and colourful music video is stereotypical and indicative for a pop punk genre music video. When looking at pop punk music videos i found that the majority of pop punk music videos are bright and colourful.

For shot 21 the cinematography for this shot will have to be an extreme close up as this shot is of the female characters eyes and i want the eyes to take up most of the shot and most of the screen on the complete final film.In shot 17 i will use a long shot and use a pan shot to catch the two characters running away on screen. This will also catch all of the action of them running away which is what i am wanting for that shot.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Shooting Schedule

I am to shoot my music video throughout one whole day. I will shoot the shots which location is indoors and then when it becomes darker outside i will shoot the shots that i am wanting to shoot outside. Because it is winter the nights get darker earlier leaving me plenty of time to shoot the shots outside and shooting each shot until i am happy. Because it is dark outside i will need to edit the shots so that they can be seen or find a street lit with street lights as it will still give it the atmospheric feel and look i am wanting.

Daytime 2-4 pm

I will shoot the shots which locations are indoors: In the house - Bedroom, Bathroom and Livingroom

4-5:30 o clock

Break from shooting for half an hour.

6-8 pm

I will film the shots which need to be outside or need to be darker than the other shots: Outside - In the street, field and in the car.

8-8:30 pm

Finish the shooting, review the shots and re shoot a few if needed to.

I aim to get all the shooting done in this day starting from 2pm until 8pm and the latest time for being finished will 8:30 if necessary.

Monday, 2 December 2013


I have chosen to be one of the lead characters in my music video as 'the boy' because he fits the image that i am going for with my music video and wears the same type of clothing you would expect to see in a pop punk music video. Therefore he will be able to provide his own clothes as they will fit perfectly for my genre and fits the stereotypes that you would expect to see in my music video. This person also knows the lyrics to this song as it is a genre they enjoy listening to, therefore because he knows the lyrics to this song and what is expected of this genre it will enable the filming to run more smoothly. 

For the role of 'the girl' in my music video i have chosen ayisja because she fits the image of the character which i am wanting for my music video as she also fits the stereotype you expect to see in a pop punk music video. She also listens to the type of genre my music video is and also knows all the lyrics to blink 182 first date song therefore it will make filiming easier and enable it to run more smoothly. She will also be able to provide the type of clothes i am wanting for my music video they fit the image and stereotype i am going for.

For the role of the boy i will have him bring a few outfits which i can pick from which i can then browse and pick out the ones i want and the wants which i wish to put together. As he is bringing his own outfit it gives me more time to set up for filming as well as giving me more time to film. As for the hair, his hair already fits the look i am wanting and going for for my music video therefore no change is to be needed. His hair is long and messy which will fit well for my genre.

For the role of the female character she will also be able to provide her own outfits for the music video as they also fit the image i am going for with my music video and fit the stereotype i am wanting, for my music video. As for her hair it is red and it is modern and alternative, which again is what i am aiming for in my music video. She also has facial piercings which you usually expect to see on someone who is 'alternative' and this is stereo typically of somebody who is alternative and this will fit and look perfect for my music video. For the female role i am wanting a 1950's - 60's rockabilly alternative look for the girl in my music video. For this look the stereotype of this look is bandannas and hair wraps and red lipstick therefore i will be providing this to fit the style needed. You can see the style i am doing for my music video by looking at my make up and costuming post.

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Casting Costuming and Make-up Ideas.

For my costuming, make up and clothing i have chosen to go for a similar look to these images as i feel they will look well in my genre of music video as these costuming's are alternative and different which is the look i am going for.

Friday, 29 November 2013

Planning the shooting of my music video.

  • My House - Living room, Bathroom, and bedroom
  • Street
  • Inside a car
  • Field 



Shot 2,4,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,14,15, 17, 20,22, 25, 26: Jeans, T-shirt, Jacket and Shoes

Shot 24,25,26,27,28: Changes into a different outfit consisting of - Skinny Jeans, Baggy T-shirt and shoes.


Shot 5,6,8,11,13,15, 17, 19, 24, 25, 26:  Jeans, T-shirt, Coat, Shoes, Necklace Handbag.

Prop List

  • Mirror
  • A Car
  • Candles
  • Dinner Table and Chairs
  • Food
  • Flowers
  • Sofa
  • Cushions
  • Stereo
  • Bed
  • Lamp


Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Props List
·         The car parked in the street
·         The night sky
·         A Car

In the car
·         Holding hands (the boy and girl)
·         Stupid Hair (the boys hair)

In a Restaurant
·         Everybody in the room
·         Only me and you (boy and girl)
·         Eyes (the girls eyes)
·         Smile (the girls smile)
A restaurant mis-en-scene
·         Table and Chairs
·         Food and Drink
·         Candle

Monday, 14 October 2013

Initial Ideas

Idea 1: My first idea that i had thought of was filming my video from point of view shots (POV) of a girl or a boy getting ready for a date and using mirrors to show the what the girl or boy looks like for example on the line of the song "do you like my stupid hair?" i would have then shot the girl or boy looking in the mirror with a stupid looking hairstyle to add humour to the video which is a convention of a pop punk music video. I would film most of the music video from a pov including the date with the girl. 

Idea 2: My second idea for my music video would be filming different footage at a gig, so that i could include instruments and elements of live music in my music video. i would have close up shots of the band or artist singing and playing the instruments. I would have also filmed the crowd listening and reacting along to the music. and the misenscene at a gig venue would be perfect for my genre of music but i have found that this would be very difficult to pull off at an actual gig venue.

Idea 3: My final idea for my pop punk music video is to film a boy getting ready to take a girl out on a date and show him getting nervous while he gets ready for the date. I will also film a set up date which i will put together making the perfect misenscene to make it look like i am filming in a restaurant or a typical place you would see two people having a date. To match the conventions of a pop punk video i will add humour and comedy to the music video by putting a twist on the video and making everything the boy does have a comedy value. For example i will film the boy messing up the date by doing stupid things and by acting stupid. i will also match the formal conventions of a music video and match the actions and make sure they relate to the lyrics on screen and i will also edit this to the beat of the music. The video will start off with the boy getting ready for the date and then i will film him meeting his date aswell as filming the date.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Lyric Timings

In the car I just can't wait (0.37 - 0.39)
to pick you up on our very first date (0.39 - 0.41)
Is it cool if I hold your hand? (0.41 - 0.44)
Is it wrong if I think it's lame to dance? (0.44 - 0.46)
Do you like my stupid hair? (0.46 - 0.49)
Would you guess that I didn't know what to wear? (0.49 - 0.51)
I'm too scared of what you think (0.51 - 0.54)
You make me nervous so I really can't eat (0.54 - 0.56)

Let's go, don't wait, this night's almost over (0.57 - 1.02)
Honest, let's make this night last forever (1.03 - 1.07)
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever (1.07 - 1.12)
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever (1.12 - 1.17)

When you smile, I melt inside (1.27 - 1.29)
I'm not worthy for a minute of your time (1.29 - 1.32)
I really wish it was only me and you (1.32 - 1.34)
I'm jealous of everybody in the room (1.34 - 1.37)
Please don't look at me with those eyes (1.37 - 1.39)
Please don't hint that you're capable of lies (1.39 - 1.42)
I dread the thought of our very first kiss (1.42 - 1.44)
A target that i'm probably gonna miss (1.44 - 1.47)

Let's go,don't wait, this night's almost over (1.52 - 1.56)
Honest, let's make this night last forever (1.57 - 2.01)
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever (2.01 - 2.06)
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever (2.06 - 2.12)

Let's go, don't wait, this night's almost over (2.42 - 2.47)
Honest, let's make, this night last forever (2.48 - 2.52)
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever (2.52 - 2.57)
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever (2.57 - 3.02)
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever (3.02 - 3.07)
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever  (3.07 - 3.12)

Total Length of Blink 182 - First Date Music Video = 3.32 Minutes

Monday, 30 September 2013

Found Images Story Board

In the car I just can't wait,
to pick you up on our very first date
Is it cool if I hold your hand?
Is it wrong if I think it's lame to dance?
Do you like my stupid hair?
Would you guess that I didn't know what to wear?
I'm too scared of what you think
You make me nervous so I really can't eat

Let's go, don't wait, this night's almost over
Honest, let's make this night last forever
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever

When you smile, I melt inside
I'm not worthy for a minute of your time
I really wish it was only me and you
I'm jealous of everybody in the room
Please don't look at me with those eyes
Please don't hint that you're capable of lies
I dread the thought of our very first kiss
A target that i'm probably gonna miss

Let's go,don't wait, this night's almost over
Honest, let's make this night last forever
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever

Let's go, don't wait, this night's almost over
Honest, let's make, this night last forever
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Analysis: Fall Out Boy - I Don't Care

The genre of Fall Out Boy - I Don't Care is pop punk / alternative rock.
The cinematography in this music video includes a lot of long shots so that the camera can capture all of the action within the shot from head to toe. It also includes close up, action shots of the band playing their instruments which is typical and meets the conventions of a pop punk / alternative rock music video.

There is lots of editing within the music video. The editing mostly cuts from the action within the street to Fall Out Boy playing a gig and the shots are contentiously cutting from one location to another and back again. This is what most pop punk / alternative rock music videos consists of and by doing this it fits the conventions of the pop punk, alternative rock genre.

The title of the song is "I Don't Care" and the music video relates back to this via the connotations of the video. In the video the band are out on the street and behaving in a way that is considered 'unacceptable behavior' because they don't care and don't care what people think about them which relates and matches the songs title and lyrics therefore this music videos fit perfectly well with the song and the message they are trying to convey.

At the beginning of the music video it starts off with a man from a 'rock and roll' band saying "what the hell happened to rock and roll? eyeliner, energy drinks and no guitar solos, I've taken shits with bigger rock stars than them" as rock stars are stereotyped to be 'bad' and 'cause trouble' which Fall Out Boy are opposite to despite being a 'Rock band' therefore in the music video the narrative is made and the band go out to be bad and cause trouble and to be that stereotypical rock band. This video is meant to be entertaining and humorous which most pop punk videos intend to do therefore it is fitting the conventions of a pop punk video as includes live shots of the bad playing and includes comedy in the video. At the end of the video the video surprises its audience as the band members causing 'havoc' are actually in fact 'rock' members from completely different bands this connotes that fall out boy are not that type of band to go out 'causing trouble' and being the stereotypical rock band and behaving band.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Analysis: Sum 41 - Fat Lip

The genre of Sum 41 - Fat Lip is pop punk
The cinematography in this includes lots of long and mid shots so that the camera can catch the crowd, people and the band in the shots as well as capturing the action. Unlike typical conventional pop punk videos this video does not feature close up shots of the instruments being played which is usually seen in most pop punk videos.

There is lots of editing within this music video and cuts from one shot to another quickly so that the music video captures lots of action as there is lots going on in this video. The video mostly cuts from the band to the crowd and then to different things and actions happening at the skate park / location where this video is being filmed. The video will cut from a performance video of the band preforming and then it will quickly cut to another area within the location it has been filmed showing different kinds of action taking place. The majority of the action filmed apart from the performance clips of the band playing are mostly of the audience or the band messing around and having a laugh and a 'good time' which is conventional of a pop punk music video.

The title of the song is "fat lip" which doesn't relate to the narrative or music video, although it could relate to the lyrics of the song as the lyrics give the connotations of stubbornness and sulkiness which "fat lip" could be a metaphor for this.

The music video is mostly made up of a performance video and from my point of view it does not include a narrative which is usually conventional on most music videos out there. This shows and suggest that sum 41 are going against the typical conventions of a music video in this way.

As most music videos this includes many close up shots in the cinematography so does this one and there is many close up shots of the lead singer singer and it also includes many close up shots of the other band members playing there instrument.

This music video connotes youths having a good time which is what the majority of pop punk videos like to connote conventionally.

Monday, 9 September 2013

Conventions of a Pop Punk Music Video

Bright / Colorful
Live clips of the band / artist preforming
Montage of different footage
Close ups of the singer
Editing is mostly fast cut, depending on the mood of the song
Usually 'fun looking' / having a good time
Humorous / down to earth

Examples : Blink 182, Fall Out Boy, You Me At Six, A Day To Remember.

Sunday, 8 September 2013

History of Medium

Music Videos have changed massively from the past. 30 and over years ago music videos were only seen in films. For example Cliff Richards - Summer Holiday was only part of a film called Summer Holiday (1963) which was apart of the narrative of the film.

 The massively well known legends The Beatles tracks also began in their film, giving their songs a music video in the film A Hard Days Night (1964) this film included only tracks by and from The Beatles and in 1964 the only way you could have a visual image to support any of The Beatles tracks was to watch the film.

In December 1983 Micheal Jackson - Thriller music video was released and at the time of release was one of the scariest music videos ever released. Micheal Jackson - Thriller was in the style of a film and not only did it have a narrative, it had a narrative within a narrative. Like any film and any music video thriller was made in the style and genre of a conventional horror film.

The First Music video ever aired on MTV in August 1981 was The Buggles - Video Killed The Radio Star 

In a white studio, Geoff Downes is playing multiple keyboards and Trevor Horn playing a bass guitar, both wearing silver suits. A woman in a tube behind Horn is also wearing a silver costume.

Modern day music days have changed massively and are continuing to change. Although all music videos have a meaning and connotations even if they are trying not too. All music videos continue to have some type of narrative and follow a genre and genre style. They're now conventional types of music videos which you expect to see for certain type of genre music.

Lady Gaga Featuring Beyonce is in style and in length of a short film which includes a narrative of two female murderers on the loose on a killing spree. Which is similar to what The Beatles and Cliff Richard did with their music videos but this is represented in modern time music videos. Modern music videos are now more sexual than they was 20 / 30 years ago as 20 / 30 years ago sex would not have been seen in the media and would have been frowned upon, where as now women are seen as sexual objects and promiscuous in music videos for example the pussycat dolls, Christina Aguilera and Lady gaga. 

Monday, 24 June 2013

Shooting Schedule

5pm - 6pm Costume 1 shots - 1,3,5,7,8,9,10,11,17,18,19,21,23,24,25

6pm - 6:30pm - Boy Inside Shots - 2,4,6

7pm - 8pm Costume Change Shots - 12 (Costume 2) 13 (Costume 2) 13 (Costume 3) 14, 15 (Costume 4), 16 (Costume 5)

8pm - 9pm - Outside shots  (Boy and Girl) - 27 to end.

Location List

Jenny's Bedroom
Hutton Cranswick Green.